Watercolor: Crystals

120 min
Price Tier:
Platinum (starts at $92 / person)
*includes supplies and shipping
Supply Kit

Crystals are known for their different and unusual properties. In this Workshop, we focus on learning to illustrate the most popular healing crystals and create a gorgeous composition using watercolor techniques and pen and ink.

Watercolor Starter Kit:

  • Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors Compact Set, Set of 12, Half Pans
  • 400 Series Watercolor Pad – 12 Sheets, 5.5X8.5″
  • Round Brush #4 OR #6
  • Flat Brush #2
  • Micron Pen
  • White Gel Pen
  • CraftJam Pencil – Sharpened

Will I need any items from home?
Yes, you will need:

  • Big plastic cup or old glass with water for cleaning brushes.
  • Towel.
    • Use something that can get dirty and/or be thrown away.
    • You can also use paper towels.