Introducing one of the leading ladies behind CraftJam: Paivi! Learn about our CEO Nora, here.
Besides being a musician and a cool indie chick in Finland (in the last decade), Paivi earned a masters in Media Studies and worked in the online world creating and developing new concepts for digital services and building communities. She is also a film maker with a Degree in Documentary Film. Paivi grew up in the countryside of Finland with a very crafty family and now lives a (not so exciting) single life in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
What’s your name? Pair it with one adjective (with the same letter as your name) to describe you.
Paradoxical Paivi

What do you usually do during the day?
Multitask! I have about a million tabs open on my browser at all times, and I like to crack jokes and think about food a lot, too. Each of these things are very much needed while Nora and I build CraftJam!
Where did you grow up?
I grew up In a tiny town in Finland called Merimasku. It’s actually an island, and my family’s house is by the sea. I’m a true country gal.
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever made?
I’d say my last documentary Looking for the Hook is my greatest achievement yet.

What do you like about crafting?
I rarely like to have idle hands, so crafting is the perfect way to be creative and relax at the same time. I love learning new things; with crafting you always feel like you’re growing and developing your skills. It’s also my go-to relief from staring at the computer screen for too long.
What CraftJams have you attended and what did you make?
All of them! I mostly took photos of our happy Jammers, though.
Why should people become CraftJammers?
We all need a break from our computers and daily to-do lists sometimes. At CraftJam, you get to rejuvenate your brain and your soul!

What’s your favorite drink while crafting?
Red wine. No doubt.
If you could CraftJam with anyone, who would it be?
I wonder if Kanye would enjoy embroidery?

Favorite song(s) when crafting casually?
Argh, a hard question. It’s a battle between something from Kendrick Lamar, Anderson Paak, D’Angelo and Erykah Badu. But I also still love my top song of last summer, so have to share it:
What would you like to learn next?
Weaving! That’s definitely going to be on the CraftJam menu soon!
Say hi to Paivi on Instagram! And stay tuned for more updates on our blog, including upcoming CraftJams, awesome DIY inspiration, and profiles of the talented JamMasters and Jammers who make our community awesome.