Watercolor: Winter Holiday Cards

90 min
120 min
Price Tier:
Platinum (starts at $92 / person)
*includes supplies and shipping
Supply Kit

Create a unique set of holiday cards while learning beginner watercolor techniques and honing your own singular style.

Watercolor Greeting Cards Kit:

  • Winsor & Newton Cotman Watercolors Compact Set, Set of 12, Half Pans
  • Greeting Cards with Envelopes
  • Round Brush #4 OR #6
  • Flat Brush #2
  • 1 Micron Pen
  • CraftJam Pencil – Sharpened

Will I need any items from home?
Yes, you will need:

  • Big plastic cup or old glass with water for cleaning brushes.
  • Towel.
    • Use something that can get dirty and/or be thrown away.
    • You can also use paper towels.