Learning new crafting skills improves cognition and reduces stress. After eight weeks of tactile learning with no prior experience, participants in a clinical study saw improvement in at least one cognitive area:
Delayed and immediate memory improved by 38%, attention by 25%, and psychomotor speed by 19%. Craft skills can remake your brain. Done collectively they can fuse teams together, drive performance and improve productivity.
Along with leading neuro-experts, we have designed Craftcare Workshops to help teams and individuals pick up new skills, socialize and rewire brains from the inside out.
In each workshop series, your employees meet weekly with your expert teacher and fellow students. If they can’t make it to all the sessions they simply watch the recorded video and use our private Slack channel for Q&As.
Our casual 15 min Daily Craftcare Practice is like a quick meditation but social to boost your day. Join via Zoom for laughs and crafts that help you to get into the habit of creating. Your brain is a muscle and just like physical exercise, hand-brain training needs to be regular for a real impact.
During and after completing this series, you will have access to all the workshop recordings, patterns, and technique videos so you can revisit and refresh your knowledge. At any time when you’re stuck, we’re just a text message away.
We applied the latest neuroplasticity and behavior change research to develop Craftcare Workshops. In collaboration with our psychologist, we’ve designed the Five Elements of Craftcare, training materials, and pre- and post-workshop assessment surveys to help increase and track the wellbeing and performance of Craftcare Workshop attendees.
Thank you for your interest.