What’s your name? Pair it with an adjective that has the same first letter.

Motivating Melissa

JamMaster Melissa

What classes do you teach at CraftJam?


Anything Embroidery, Glass Etching, Knitting, Stamp Making, Paint and Pot Succulents, Pom Poms, little bit of everything?

How long have you been crafting?

Since I was old enough to hold a plastic yarn needle!

What is your favorite thing about crafting?

The process of making something that you can look at and remember that it came from your own hands! And then giving those things away – usually 🙂

What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever made?

A knit uterus for a grad school class, it was filled with all the things that make up me as a person.


What do you like about CraftJams?

I love CraftJam because I love that people can come together and create something awesome and go home feeling fulfilled in that they made something themselves.

If you could CraftJam with anyone, who would it be?

Masahiro Yamamoto – the director of Yoshi’s Crafted World, a video game that has Yoshi wondering through a world of handmade creations!

When you aren’t crafting, what are you doing?

Organizing video gaming events, commentating Splatoon 2, and streaming on Twitch!

Best music or playlist to listen while crafting?

I actually listen to audiobooks while crafting! Right now I’ve got Veronica Mars: The Million Dollar Tan Line on my Audible.

Describe yourself with a gif.

Say hi to Melissa and peep her craft projects on Instagram or check out her Twitch channel if you are into video games! And stay tuned for more updates on our blog, including upcoming CraftJams, awesome DIY inspiration, and profiles of the talented JamMasters and Jammers who make our community awesome.