What’s your name? Pair it with an adjective that has the same first letter.
Lively Liana
What classes do you teach at CraftJam?
Hand Lettering
How long have you been crafting?
My entire life! I started designing professionally 8 years ago.
What is your favorite thing about crafting?
Getting “in the zone” with what you’re doing…it’s meditative!
What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever made?
In high school, I used to make reusable lunch bags for my friends and I using craft paper, clear tape and markers. I wish I had a pic!!
What do you like about CraftJams?
I love how it brings people together. It’s a fun night out to be social and kick back. There aren’t a lot of other ways to do that as an adult in the city!
If you could CraftJam with anyone, who would it be?
In a dream world….John Mayer 😉
In reality, probably my mom because I love her creative spirit.
When you aren’t crafting, what are you doing?
Best music or playlist to listen while crafting?
John Mayer, obviously
Describe yourself with a gif.
Say hi to Liana on Instagram and get major inspiration from her work on her website! And stay tuned for more updates on our blog, including upcoming CraftJams, awesome DIY inspiration, and profiles of the talented JamMasters and Jammers who make our community awesome.